Red Hot Cookies w/ Goldshlager Frosting

Seriously, I LOVE these cookies. I love cinnamon. I also have an… umm… affection of Goldshlager that dates back to my college/ partying days.
When I saw these on Mom’s Test Kitchen last year… this happened: “SQUEEE! Cinnamon! Valentine’s Day! Sprinkles! Pretty!”
Followed by this: “Cinnamon! GoldShlager! NomNom FROOOSTING!”
I changed the recipe a VERY small amount, and added the frosting. I used Hot Tamales because I couldn’t find “Red Hots”, but I’m pretty sure they’re the same thing. I also tried to find those little cinnamon heart-shaped candies, but I haven’t seen those since I was a little kid.
At the risk of sounding weird (and un-baker-y) today was the first time in my life I ever used corn starch. And I learned that you can use it to make “homemade” cake flour. Yup, I totes got excited about that.
When I made the frosting I didn’t want to cream it, so I melted it most of the way in the microwave. When I say “most of the way” what I mean is microwave for about 10 seconds until it is liquidy, but not yellow and clear. If you melt it all the way the frosting will be thinner (more like an icing). If you don’t melt it enough it will be too thick to whisk. I dipped the tops of the cookies directly into the frosting/ icing when I made it… mostly because I was too lazy to find a knife to spread it.
But the number one reason I love these cookies is the texture. They’re the perfect bite sized cakey cookie! The dough is delish, I’m already thinking about other cookies I can make with it… pretty much anything with candy in it. Or maybe cereal box cookies…
Happy Sunday Bakery!
-Hey Waitress!!
click here for MY RECIPE!
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