Monthly Archives: September 2011

American Jobs Act

“Voting is a right best exercised by people who have taken time to learn about the issues.” -Tony Snow

“A liberal is a man who is willing to spend somebody else’s money.”- Carter Glass

“I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.” -Will Rogers

“Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.” -JFK

“No real social change has ever been brought about without a revolution… revolution is but thought carried into action.” -Emma Goldman

 “The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.” – Dante Alighieri

“You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt.”-Daniel Hannan

this post was supposed to be about the American Jobs Act. Turns out… I feel the need to define my position first. I consider myself an Independent, I lean Conservative,  and seem to identify the best with the Tea Party. With that in mind… here’s my rundown of the American Jobs Act.
  • Tax Cuts-  Cutting payroll taxes to 3.1% is good. A “holiday” on payroll tax for growth over the previous year is good. Allowing firms to take deductions on new equipment and  plants (manufacturing I’m assuming) is good. I like decreased taxes. I think allowing small businesses to grow will help the economy. Go for it.(1)
  • Tax Credits- Proposed tax credits (up to $ 15200) to companies who hire veterans that have been unemployed for more than 6months (2). I flip-flop on this issue. I know our returning veterans need/ deserve our support, and decreasing unemployment is always a good idea… but I can’t get behind more tax breaks.
  • Public Servents- $30 billion to prevent 280,000 teachers from being laid-off and to hire “tens of thousands more”. $5 billion to hire/ keep public safety and first responders (2). Still haven’t found where this $$ is coming from. I like teachers and I like being safe. I like people in my community to have jobs. I think this is a complicated issue tho. Teachers should be hired/ kept based on merit, and class size (the need for more teachers), but I’m not convinced that running public schools is the federal governments business… more on that next.
  • Public Schools- $30 billion to modernize 35,000 + schools. This includes rural schools,  Bureau of Indian Education funded schools, and community colleges. ” Funds could be used for a range of emergency repair and renovation projects, greening and energy efficiency upgrades, asbestos abatement and removal, and modernization efforts to build new science and computer labs and to upgrade technology in our schools”. (2) How about you skip adding the internet in classrooms… and buy them unbiased textbooks? Why is the federal government paying for greening upgrades?
  • Roads, Rails, Airports- $50 billion to modernize our infrastructure, which has a grade of D. That $ will give “hundreds of thousands” of construction workers jobs. “It will also take special steps to enhance infrastructure-related job training opportunities for people from underrepresented groups and make sure that small businesses can compete for infrastructure contracts.” (2) Go here for the definition of an underrepresented group. This section also doesn’t say where the $ is coming from, or which departments and agencies are picking these projects. This sounds like a national version of Boston’s “Big Dig”.
  • National Infrastructure Bank- $10 billion (start-up) to invest in significant regional or national projects. Private and public capital will be invested in these projects (2). Can it really be done without earmarks or political influence?
  • Project Rebuild- $15 billion investment to refurbish “hundreds of thousands” foreclosed/ vacant homes in neighborhoods with high concentrations of foreclosures, using the private sector. The intention is to “create” construction jobs & stabilize the housing market, while reducing crime (2). I’m honestly confused on where the investment is going. Who is going to buy the recently fixed up houses? Are more bad loans going to be given out? Which neighborhoods? Why is it the federal government’s job to fix houses that have been foreclosed on?
  • Expanding Access to High-Speed Internet(2)- you get the hint. At least there isn’t billions of dollars being spent in this section (that we know of).
  •  Unemployment Insurance (UI) Reform- More rigorous reemployment assistance from each state. Increased “work-sharing” (reducing all employees hours) to decrease lay-offs. “Additional funds” for states that have “Bridge to Work” programs, which allow the long-term unemployed  to continue to receive UI while working temporarily or pursuing work based training. (3) Why aren’t the additional funds a specific amount, and why are people allowed to collect while they are working? shouldn’t you have to reapply?
  • More Tax Credits- $4000 for hiring a person who has been unemployed for over 6months.(3)
  •  Investing in people with Low-Income- The Pathways Back to Work Fund will support jobs for low-income youth, subsidized jobs for low-income unemployed adults, and local work-based training initiatives for low-income people. (3) OK with me, but how much does it cost!?
  • Cutting Payroll Taxes- starting next year, 160 million workers will receive tax cuts of $1500 for a typical family earning $50,ooo. Social Security will still receive the same amount, transferred from the General Fund. (4) We’ve already established how I feel about more tax cuts…
  • Refinancing Mortgages-  working with Frannie & Freddie Mac (SERIOUSLY!?) to help people get “historically low” interest rates, allowing them to stay in their homes. (4) Ummm… didn’t Fannie & Freddie help get us into the housing market crash in the first place?!
I’ve asked all along where the money to pay for all this is coming from? the AJA answer is “The President’s detailed deficit reduction plan will pay for every penny of the American Jobs Act and include the additional deficit reduction sufficient to stabilize our debt as a share of our economy. He will also call on the Joint Committee to come up with the additional deficit reduction necessary to pay for the American Jobs Act and still meet their deficit target.” (5)
It looks like I have more reading to do…
One last thought on taxes… wouldn’t a flat % income tax make more sense, than giving breaks and holidays?
Independently Yours.
-Hey Waitress!
Please forgive my sourcing. I tried to link everything to the page i found it on… but i think I may have made it more confusing! All the information I found was from the parent website American Jobs Act. which is paid for by the Democratic National Committee.  
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I like cupcakes. I like alcohol. So why not  bake cupcakes using alcohol!? That was a very important question I asked myself last year. Reasons might include the fact that I tend to burn things, and I had an ancient and temperamental oven that was barely  12×12 inches, or that I didn’t even own measuring cups!
Eventually I was so intrigued by the idea of alcoholic cupcakes I just had to try some out. After talking it over with my future guinea pigs (aka my coworkers), a Ziploc became my chosen beverage.  If you’re not familiar with a Ziploc it’s a shooter with Redbull, Blue Curaçao, and orange vodka. yummy. I baked  the BC  into the cake mix , and made a buttercream frosting with the Redbull.  I used orange essence instead of orange vodka. I’m not ashamed to admit that I cheated. I used a box white cake mix,  subbed 1/2 of the water w/ the liquor, added orange extract, and  a box of pudding mix.  The buttercream was a basic recipe with the Redbull added for flavor and consistency, with a few drops of yellow food coloring. Side note: don’t melt the butter! it makes the buttercream into more of a glaze!
The Ziploc cupcakes went over pretty well. They were followed by Bailey’s Irish Coffee, Captain Morgan and Coke, Strawberry Margarita,  and  Margarita cupcakes! all had varying degrees of yummyness. The Irish Coffee cupcakes were my favorite. The  Margarita cupcakes where not very successful.  When the Jose was baked off there wasn’t any tequila taste left. The same can be said for the Strawberry Margarita cupcakes, but they still tasted ok .
After the cupcakes came Grand Marnier Brownies.  No box mix there! At this point my guinea pig pool had spread to our regular guests as well. I think the brownies went over the best! 
Recently while visiting my folks back in MA I decided to try baking Mimosa cupcakes (from the Big Book of Cupcakes). No box mix there! It was my very first cupcake recipe from scratch. I got to use a full size oven! Deliciousness was the result! the best part about baking these cupcakes was def the extra champaign and OJ… as I said before- I do enjoy a drink now and again.
During my baking exploits I learned a few things like: I don’t like non-stick/dark cupcake tins (those cheap shiny throw away ones work the best for me),  you shouldn’t sample too much of the product, over-mixing will make cupcakes tough, pre-measuring is wicked important, always use fresh eggs, don’t melt the butter all the way or your frosting won’t be fluffy, and separating egg whites/ yolks isn’t as hard as i thought it would be.
Check out the recipe page for these cupcakes and other things I’ve tried to cook/bake/ or make!
Recipes for Washington Apple cupcakes, Tuaca cupcakes, and Irish Car Bomb cupcakes are still in the works! Unfortunately… I don’t have anyone to bake for here!
best wishes and kisses,
hey waitress!
*orig. 9/20/11*
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50 fav summah tunes

The pool is closed, the AC is off, the sweaters & hoodies are out, and my feet are cold! It appears my summer has ended. So it’s time for my 50 favorite songs of the summer! Some are laying out in the sun songs, some are running songs, some are house cleaning songs, new or old they all made my summer complete!

1. Believe the Dirty Heads

2. Ocean Breathes Salty- Modest Mouse

3. Thunder- Boys Like Girls

4. Prayer of the Refugee- Rise Against

5. Black Cat- Mayday Parade

6. No Rain- Blind Melon

7. Mad World- Tears for Fears

8. Everything is Beautiful- Starfield

9. No Time- the Guess Who

10. Brain Stew- Greenday

11.Reach for the Sky- Social Distortion

12. Pour Decisions- the Real McKenzies

13. the Sound of Silence- Simon & Garfunkel

14. Prelude 12/21- AFI

15. In One Ear- Cage the Elephant

16. Freebird- Lynard Skynard

17. Fences- Paramore

18. Dream On- Aerosmith

19. Suicide Sunday- Friday Night Boys

20. No Rest for the Wicked- Cage the Elephant

21. From Now On We Are Enemies-  FallOut Boy

22. Plateau- Nirvana

23. Things That You Love- Pepper

24. Money- Pink Floyd

25. Flake- Jack Johnson

26. Hey Jude- the Beatles

27. Stand Tall- the Dirty Heads

28. Joy to the World- Three Dog Night

29. El Scorcho- Weezer

30. Just the Way I’m Not- All Time Low

31. Story of Your Life- We the Kings

32.Dark Blue- Jacks Mannequin

33.Liar- Taking Back Sunday

34. Thanks for the Momories- Fall Out Boy

35. We Are Young- 30h!3

36. 53rd & 3rd- the Ramones

37. Enter Sandman- Metallica

38. Wish You Were Here- Pink Floyd

39. Hotel California- the Eagles

40.Bad Moon Rising- CCR

41.Fortunate Son- DKM

42. All You Need is Love- the Beatles

43.Everything is Alright- Motion City Soundtrack

44.Crawl- Kings of Leon

45.That Smell- Lynard Skynard

46.Helter Skelter- the Beatles

47.Black Friday Rule- Flogging Molly

48. Don’t Dance- 3oh!3

49.Buddy Holly- Weezer

50.Candle (Sick and Tired)- White Tie Affair

Honestly… I’d like to fit the whole Beatles collection on my list, but that’d be more than 50!



How ’bout my top 10 bands I “rediscovered” or “found” this summer!?

1. Beatles

2. Pink Floyd

3. Pepper

4. Cage the Elephant

5.Kings of Leon

6.Social Distortion


8.the Dirty Heads

9.Lynard Skynard

10.Rise Against


Hope you enjoyed!

– HeyWaitress!

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I like shoes. My closet is full of them. I have sneakers, boots, flip-flops,  and heels.  I love the heels the most. more specifically, I love my F*ck Me Pumps. They come in all colors (my favorites are pink, snakeskin, purple, black). They come in all shapes (peeptoe, round toe, pointy). They’re never lower than a kitten heel, or higher than 5inches… and they all make me feel like I’m the hottest girl at the bar. Maybe it’s the way they make my legs or my butt look…

Whatever the reason,  that confidence is my number one reason for wearing a beautiful pair of shoes. Even if they hurt.

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