Tag Archives: chocolate chip cookies

Sugar Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookie Stuffed Oreos, and…

Lately, I’ve got bored with my Sunday Bakery. Crazy, right? Mostly, I’ve got the urge to get more creative. I noticed my cupcakes are pretty average looking. So, I’ve decided to dedicate the rest of the month to COOKIES! All kinds of cookies. Starting with Sugar cookies, and Chocolate Chip Cookie Stuffed Oreo’s.
Add that to the fact that I recently bought a bunch of awesome cookie cutters… And you get a ton of iced sugar cookies in various shapes. Seriously, I bought a West Virginia one (for my husband, a huge WVU fan), football (because it’s almost football season, oh joy), and some Greek letters (we’re both products of the college Greek System). With the random combination of those shapes I ended up with over 70 cookies! Yikes.
This was the first time I ever made my own icing for sugar cookies. It was definitely an adventure. I used a small writing tip to pipe the edges, then piped some more in the middle and spread it around with the back of a spoon. All the colors I used where Wilton food color gel. I made the posted recipe 4 times. Twice for the brown, once for the blue, and once more for the yellow… (added 8/14- I forgot to mention I made 1/2 the recipe in “plain white” for the WV’s and the football “laces”)
I made both types of dough saturday night, then refrigerated them overnight. It was a good thing too because it took me forever  to ice these bad boys. THEN it took another 6 hours for it to dry.
The Stuffed Oreos are straight from Picky Palate. However, I used less than a tablespoon of dough, and baked them for 10 minutes. I used Double Stuff Oreos, made 30 cookies, and had a lot of dough left over. Which was ok… because I just baked it into regular chocolate chip cookies.  As a side note- You should really spend some time browsing the Picky Palate dessert section. It’s heavenly.
Not too much to say about the baking yesterday… tomorrow I’ll post my attempts at fondant and modeling chocolate! Which I plan on putting on the Peanut Butter & Coco Krispie Treats I made today! Muhaha! When I get bored, I get a little crazy.
-Hey Waitress!!
check out the Sugar Cookie & Amaretto Icing recipe!
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Chocolate Chip Cookies & Dog Treats


Chocolate Chip Cookies (for people)
I totes forgot to update a few weeks ago when I made these cookies. Then, last weekend my husband and I went to a wedding in VA Beach. Now, I’m finally getting a moment (and the motivation) to post the blog entry for the Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Now, if you’ve noticed, I prefer to bake things that contain alcohol. Sadly, I got a special request for “plain chocolate chip cookies”. I was sort of offended. Why doesn’t everyone like alcoholic baking as much as I do!? Hmph. After some searching I settled on this version, with a small twist.
Random notes follow.
  • I used light brown sugar, instead of regular brown sugar (that’s what I had on hand).
  • It was too “doughy” to beat after I added the eggs and vanilla, but it was super hard to stir in the flour. Try a combination of both. Or, get a stand mixer with a paddle attachment instead of a cheap hand mixer like I own.
  • Because I have a deep seeded need to not be “plain”, I used a combination of regular sized & mini sized chocolate chips, chocolate chunks, and white chocolate chips.
  • I flattened the dough slightly after the 1st batch because the bottoms browned a bit too much.
  • Even after about a week (kept in the fridge) these are still tasty. I thought they’d get stale and crumbly, but it didn’t happen. Yay!
Dog Treats
While I remained motivated, I added a few recipes for homemade dog treats.  One of the great things about making dog treats is that a dog will (most likely) eat them even if they’re not perfect! I bake them randomly to supplement my pup’s regular Milkbones. Up until yesterday I’ve cut the “cookies” with a small (people food) biscuit cutter… fortunately an awesome friend found me bone, fire hydrant, and dog house shaped cookie cutters. Yay!
Have fun!
Happy Baking.
-Hey Waitress!!
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Capt’s Chocolate Chip Cookies

As much as I’d like to claim these cookies as my brilliance, I can’t.  I found this on a blog called cookinginstilettos.com. They’re good. BUT (there’s always a but) they don’t taste like Captain! I mean, I couldn’t taste it at all. suuuuuper sad about that.  That’s not gunna stop me from eating the heck outta these cookies.
The original recipe only called for one “brushing”, I went with 2.
I also used light brown sugar ( because that’s all I had handy)
I used a 1/2 tablespoon measure to scoop the cookie dough… and ended up with over 6 dozen cookies… that way, I can eat more, and not feel guilty. 😉 (like you’ve never done that!?)
That’s all I have to say about them. Def going to look around for a more “Captainy” Cookie.
-Hey Waitress!!
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