Tag Archives: milk chocolate chips

Chocolate & Cayenne Cookies

Soo… there’s no recipe for these cookies.  I used THIS one from Food.com. The only thing I did differently was add more chocolate chips. Overall these are pretty good. The cayenne flavor is pretty prominent, so they’re not for everyone.
I didn’t share an adapted recipe because I  want to change a few things.
1. these are pretty crispy cookies. I prefer chewy cookies… I neeed to research how to make chewy cookies.
2. the cayenne flavor is REALLY strong. It overwhelms the sweetness from the chocolate. So, even though I double the amount of chocolate chips, I think I should have reduced the amount of cayenne I used.
3. I think if I add some type of frosting, or maybe turn these into sandwich cookies the cayenne wouldn’t be so over whelming. I imagine the sweet frosting would balance out the spice?
4. and speaking of chocolate… I used 2 kinds of chips, dark & milk. I think it was a good idea… I just think I’ll use even more next time.
Some other notes:
1. I got about 7 dozen cookies, using a half-tablespoon scoop.
2. I made the dough the night before, and kept it in the fridge between batches.
3. I flattened the cookies slightly before I put them in the oven, and I only baked them for 10 minutes.
Overall these are good. Not great. BUT,  I’m pretty excited to try this combination some more. I already tackled CUPCAKES, maybe brownies will be next?
Happy Baking!!
-Hey Waitress!!
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Chocolate (Caramel Filled) Cupcakes with Caramel Bailey’s!!

Confession: I didn’t feel like baking this weekend. I whipped these cupcakes up last minute because Hubs and I crave treats at night.
I used my regular boozy chocolate cake batter. As usual it’s awesome.
The chocolate caramel filling is good. But I don’t plan on using it again. The filling I made for these is too, um, chewy. It came out like Tootsie Rolls! Whaaaa?! I know. Weird. I should have made some homemade caramel. Or used a can of condensed milk to make it more creamy. Live and learn. 😉
I topped these off with a simple buttercream that uses Bailey’s instead of milk.
Overall they came out tasty. The recipe isn’t too shabby for a batch of thrown together at the last minute cupcakes.
Happy Baking!
-Hey Waitress!!
Check out the recipe for Chocolate (Caramel Filled) Cupcakes.
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Sweet & Salty Cookies!!

Sometimes I crave sweet AND salty things. Yesterday was one of those days. It also happened to be Sunday, which is my favorite baking day. Coincidence? I think not.
There are variations of these sweet and salty cookies all over the internet.  I even saw some with potato chips! Crazy… riiiiight? I opted to make mine w/ pretzels because… well… I like pretzels. I also like Reese’s and all kinds of chocolate. Basically these cookies are a little bit of heaven for me. Pretzels, 2 kinds of chocolate chips, peanut butter, and salt… what more could a girl ask for!?
I used half of my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. Then I added the pretzels. Then I saw the 2 bags of chocolate chips… and added those. THEN I noticed that I had a bag of those adorbs mini Reese’s in the pantry… and I just couldn’t control myself. To top it all off I sprinkled a little bit of coarse salt over the cookies.
I added the extra pretzels & chocolate chips because I thought it looked pretty to have them sticking out on the top… it really shows the sweet & salty off, ya know!? You could leave it all off, but I wouldn’t recommend doing that. I added the extra salt when they came out of the oven ‘cuz I didn’t get quite enough the first time. It all depends on what you like!
That’s the great thing about these cookies. They start off as a basic chocolate chip cookie, and then you add as much of the extra stuff as you want.
If I was you I’d make these the next time a sweet & salty craving hits. It sure cured mine. 😉
Happy Baking!
-Hey Waitress!!
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Red Velvet Snickers Brownies in Someone Else’s Kitchen


So… I hate cooking/ baking in other peoples kitchens. Is that weird? Maybe it is. I don’t know. But I seriously hate not knowing where anything is… and it’s even worse when I’m in another town/ state. Then I have to go shopping and I don’t know where anything is in the freaking store! Aaaarg!
These brownies where a delish exercise in what else could possible go (kind of) wrong.
But I should start from the beginning. We’re visiting Hubs’ family in VA for Christmas and I offered to bake dessert. I don’t know how to say this w/o sounding like a jerk… but his dad doesn’t exactly have a great kitchen set up. It’s kind of wack… It was so bad I had to go buy most of the ingredients (see first paragraph). and then I forgot the danged FLOUR! Lucky for me, Hubs’ Bro lives right next door and his wife was gracious enough to hand over a bag of flour.
Dad doesn’t own a stand mixer. He has a hand mixer. From the 80’s. I now realize how much I love my Kitchen Aid, and I will never take her for granted again. EVER.
But balancing all that out I had helper this time, my SIL gave me a hand in the kitchen, measuring and finding all the things I needed. It was nice to have family in the kitchen helping out.
This recipe was adapted from Tuesday Night Boyfriend. Her blog is adorable and delish!
Finally… we get these delish looking brownies into the oven. I set the time for 25minutes and walk away. After 25 they’re not done. NBD, they’re supposed to take 35. Put the timer on for 10 more… still not done. 10 more… not yet. 10 more… f*ck it! I took them out anyways and went over to Bro’s house for some booze. Bro’s wife listened to me whine for a few minutes, and then offered to let me try finishing them in her oven. So sweet. We preheated and popped that (still delish looking, but undone pan) in her oven for 15 minutes. BAM! BAKED!
You might be thinking “WTF? Was the oven broken? Did you get the bake time wrong?”
What you should be asking is… “Did you accidentally turn the oven off after you checked them the first time?”
The answer to that would be… Yes. I’m pretty sure I accidentally turned the oven off and didn’t realize it. (hashtag)BakingFail. I hate baking in other peoples kitchen and I guess I was probably a little flustered. I really wanted everyone to love these.
And they did come out great. The only problem is that they’re not SUPER chocolately. Other than that I would change 2 things. The first is I wouldn’t cut up the fun sized Snickers. The second is, I’d chop up a king-sized Snicker’s bar and sprinkle it on top of the brownies when they first come out of the oven (maybe with some chocolate chips)!
Happy Baking! Hope you & yours had a  Merry Christmas!
-Hey Waitress!!
 Check out the recipe for these Red Velvet Snickers Brownies!
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