Tag Archives: Sookie Stackhouse

Female Protagonists

I love a strong female lead. Really. There’s something so awesome about a girl who can kick ass, take names, and compete with “the boys”. That being said, I have issues with female lead characters who show “too much” weakness. Why do writers think all female leads need to have a love interest (or two)?
Bella Swan isn’t a strong female. In fact she is (close to, or) the worst female protagonist EVER written. Twi-hards… shut up. Your heroine is a whiney, self obsessed child who can’t see past her need for a “man”. Don’t you dare call her a heroine… what did she actually DO!? Neither is Sookie Stackhouse. Please, Charlaine Harris/ True Blood fans, don’t be offended. You know she’s ALMOST as bad as Bella. She’s constantly whining and always needs a big strong vampire to “rescue” her. She’s neither strong nor independent. But she is extremely full of herself (when she’s not being insecure to secure male help). Pregnant women… if you’ve got the urge to name your baby after a vampire loving girl, try Buffy. At least she consistently kicked ass, was only a little obsessed with Angel, and rarely cried for no reason. Even Katniss, who I liked all the way ’til the very last pages of Mockingjay, gave in to her “motherly” feelings and went back to her district to have a family and grow old. Why didn’t she stay and help the revolution? Couldn’t you still have a family and lead the revolution!?
Meredith from T.W. Brown’s Zomblog books is an awesome protagonist. She knows how she “should” feel, and doesn’t make excuses for NOT feeling that way. She’s a bitch, and I like it. Jules from Hugh Howey’s Wool books is also a great chick.
Rant over. Up next… Movies that are actually better than the book (in my opinion).
-Hey Waitress!!
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April & May Reads

Sookie Stackhouse Novels- Charlaine Harris… 2-3 out of 5 stars.
I did a re-read of these books in April… mostly due to boredom, and a lack of interest in anything in particular. I also read the newest book…
Deadlocked…2 out of 5 stars. This book was par with the rest of the series. I’m not sure why I continue to read them, I’m always unimpressed. They’re not bad, just not good. I find Sookie to be a bit annoying. Claiming to be independent but always running to one of the “men”, commenting about being a good christian. I also find Harris’ need to repeat stupid details annoying (example- how great Sookie’s tan is). Overall it was (just) fine. A quick and simple read.
Zomblog, Zomblog II, Zomblog: The Final Entry- T.W. Brown… 4 out of 5 stars.
I loved this Trilogy! TW writes fantastic Zombie Apocalypse fiction. I seriously felt like this COULD happen! I like that he’s not afraid to deal with the darker sides of people (and there is ALOT of dark, scary, bad people). I loved Sam, and Meredith is an awesome character. The only thing I didn’t enjoy was the ending of “The Final Entry”, I was really, really hoping for a happy ending. Or, at least as much of a happy ending as possible.
The Makers Fire Books I & II (Hemlock and the Wizard Tower, Hemlock and the Dead God’s Legacy)- B. Throwsnaill
book I gets 3 stars, book II gets 4. Overall I really enjoyed these 2 books. BUT, both books “tell” a lot, and don’t “show” much, it’s distracting. The quality improves in book II, and I enjoyed the little details. I had some trouble working out how the magic system works… I’m kind of a simple girl. I usually LOVE a female lead. In this case I found Hemlock a bit, ummm, annoying? I don’t think that’s the right word… I just don’t particularly care for her. That being said, I enjoy her back story. My favorite character is most definitely Merit.
Atlas Shrugged- Ayn Rand… 5 out of 5 stars.
Wow. This story really struck a chord with me. It’s totally relevant to today’s world. I know, I know… you’re ging to call me an idealist. But, really the story (to me) is about how capitalism works, and that the socialist ideals will only break the people. I dig putting an end to social collectivism (public school, property taxes, fed funded health care).  I didn’t particularly like how the “good guys” (Galt & his crew) could just give up, run away, and basically tell everyone to go eff themselves… I guess I’m not an Objectivist. Is there a dislike of God/ Faith in there too? I felt it.
The chapter of Galt’s speech was a bit tough for me. I wish She could have broken it up throughout a few chapters, maybe as the opening paragraph to each? I don’t like to be lectured, and THAT chapter felt like a lecture. Not so sure about the philosophy behind it, but it’s a good story. 
Now that I’ve finished my “review”… I noticed how contrary the reviews are. It’s either Loved or Hated…  
Happy Reading.
-Hey Waitress!!
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